So, that’s the fourth week of lockdown almost done. As a gentle wind-down into the weekend, I thought it would be nice to get back to some straightforward drawing. My book, Milly’s Marvellous Mistakes is all about painting and drawing, and and why the process of drawing – practising, making mistakes and learning – is more important than the end result.
So why not get your little ‘uns to have a go at my drawing challenge? Why not have a go yourself? I’d love to see anything you do – you can email it to, post it on my Peta Rainford’s Facebook page @dogpigeon, or Tweet me @PetaRainford
10: Draw a picture in a frame!
I’ve got some frames for you to create your drawing in, because every picture looks better in a frame!
There’s a printable version here. Have fun and have a good weekend!